Scheduled Exports

With EMu's Exports facility it is possible to export data at regular intervals (a scheduled export) or on-demand (an unscheduled export). An Export defines:

  • A set of fields for export.
  • A sort order for the exported records.
  • A TexQL statement to determine which records to export.
  • Dates on which the export is to occur.

An export can be scheduled to occur at any interval from daily to annual. The export occurs outside working hours (generally early in the morning) and the results are stored on the EMu server.

The Scheduled Exports facility uses two modules to store export details:

An audit of all Scheduled Exports is maintained, enabling authorized users to search / view all exports performed by all users.

The default output of a Scheduled Export is XML (the same format used by EMu's reporting facility). A filter can be set to transform the XML into another format (CSV for example). System Administrators can define filters to produce other output formats and to:

  • Email export files to users.
  • Print export files.
  • Copy export files to a known location (for collection).
  • Transmit export files to another machine.

See How to create filters for details.

It is possible to have a command execute automatically following an export with the After Export facility. A command could be to:

  • Email the export files to a list of users.
  • Email the results of the export to a list of users.
  • Copy the export files to another machine behind a secure firewall.
  • Copy the export files over the internet via a secure transfer mechanism.
  • Send an SMS to one or more telephone numbers.